Weekend Wrap-up
Saturday night I had a few people over for strawberry margaritas before going out dancing. We made the margaritas differently this time - adding triple sec and orange juice to normal the strawberry and tequila mixture. (I learned this recipe from Jacob's mom when we were in Texas.)Everyone raved about them! Next time I want to try doing it with fresh strawberries...
After the drinks, we headed down to Don Hill's for the one year anniversary party of Salvation, a goth night.

Ronan Harris, singer of the band VNV Nation, was there spinning. He's my friend Leanna's HERO and so she was so excited to see him. Suddenly, we look around and she's nowhere to be found. She comes back a few minutes later practically beaming. You can go to her blog to read about what she was up to. :)
We were talking about, while there, how much can happen in a year. One year ago, when Salvation began as a club night, my life was so different. I didn't know Leanna then--we met at the NJ RWA in October. Liz was still in LA. I hadn't even been contracted to write Razor Girl yet. In fact, my first Shomi book, Moongazer, hadn't even been released. Our show, Better TV, wasn't on the air. (It launched in September.) I was playing far too much World of Warcraft. And, of course, I had never even met Jacob and had no idea he even existed!
So I guess the moral of the story is that when things seem bad or boring or you don't think anything good will ever happen again - just remember what Duran Duran says: "Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow." :)
What a great, fun post, Marianne. Loved that DuranDuran quote.
Ah, I wondered if you'd named Boys that Bite's Jake after your Jacob, but you mustn't have met by then.
Have a lovely day! :-)
haha no. I was thinking Jake Ryan in 16 Candles! :)
Jacob hates being called Jake anyway.
*still beaming* Love you.
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