Fab or Fug?
Okay, Keira Soleore has laid down the gauntlet. Is Liz's shirt "fab" or "fug"? Liz declared "fug" on Twitter after donning the shirt last night. I say "fab." Keira says you guys need a photo in order to cast your vote. So here it is.
Fab or Fug? Vote in the comments now!
I gotta say, I think it's fug. But then again, I'm old, so what do I know?
Ab-Fab. Obv.
Heyyy. I'm mentioned on your blog. What an honor.
Liz's shirt is cute, and she has the bod to carry it off. All those hours in the gym, Liz? So worth it!!
You, my friend, are hereby sentenced to a fortnight in the lower bowels of Hell. The whole look is Fug. Fug, circa 1980's. With the jeans...ugh fug. Never wearing it again. Never leaving the house again. Am just now getting the membership form for the gym. Excuse me while I go weep profusely. I'd like to remind anyone viewing this that we are human. We err. And sometimes we err with a giant piece of mesh cloth exposing our stomachs. *mumbling to self...how long have I been walking around looking so two decades ago?...*
wowsers.. I dig it, def ab-fab on certain folks could pull it off.
Way fug, sorry.
Of course, Liz is lovely so she can somehow still make fug fab.
Well, I stand by the fact that I liked it in person, and still do. I still say fab, no matter how much you grumble, Liz. :)
Leanna, thank you for courageously standing by my side, when faced with The Wrath of Liz.
I had no idea what hell had lower bowels to it. This calls for research. So I thank you, dear friend, for sending me there.
Shouldst you wish to weep, hie yourself off to the gym, so that you can do so on a buffed, broad shoulder, rather than the uncertain cyber ones here.
I think its fug in a fab/ab way. Or perhaps my word would be stellar. Liz you have the ability to carry off a fug shirt with a WTF attitude. My verdict...save it for RT!
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