Drinks at Carnegie Club
Last night, fresh back from my Texas trip, I rejoined NY society by having drinks with Liz and Ron Hogan, Media Bistro's Galley Cat blogger extraordinaire at the Carnegie Club

We talked books and blogging and adventures in travel while sipping our martinis and feeling very New York amongst the dark wood and dusty books decor. (It's technically a cigar bar, but smoking is so not my thing.)

The martinis were cheaper than the Hamptons vodka tonics mentioned below. Half the price, actually. But that's still a heck of a lot to pay for a drink. My guess would be that in a place like Austin you could score four drinks for the price of one in the Hamptons. That said, they were particularly delicious drinks...
Tonight I was planning to attend a Daily Candy book release party, but I'm just too wiped. And I have a night shoot tomorrow interviewing Kyra Sedgwick (I'll be 2 degrees from Kevin Bacon!) and then on Thursday we're having drinks with Publisher's Weekly blogger Barbara Vey. So it seemed like a good idea to just come home and chill. Oh and try to finish the synopsis for my new YA book proposal. Sooo close to being done with that I can hardly stand it! :)
Oh snap please please please ask Kyra why she's so squinty. Tell her it's a question from the Internets if you have to, I must know.
Good god. That's a really hideous photo. Really hideous. Really, really hideous. Extremely so. Badness. Bad. Ness.
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