Gothic Lolita
So when I was in Tokyo, we visited the Harajuku neighborhood, where all the teens are decked out in cosplay style. One particular style is the Gothic Lolita.
Quoting Wikipedia:
Lolita fashion draws much of its inspiration from Rococo, Victorian-style and Edwardian fashion and often aims to imitate the look of Victorian children or porcelain dolls. Gothic Lolita applies the aesthetics of Gothic fashion to the childlike, pretty Lolita fashion. The word Gothloli comes, quite naturally, from a combination of Lolita and Gothic fashion.
Gothic Lolita is the best-known of the various "Lolita" looks. Other categories include "Classic Lolita", which is often more mature-looking and contains more muted colors and floral prints and "Sweet Lolita" which is identified by childish pastel colors and cute prints.
Gothic Lolita style is usually a combination of black and white, often black with white lace and typically decorated with ribbons and lace trims. Skirts are knee length and may have a crinoline or petticoat to add volume. As in mainstream Japanese fashion, over-knee socks or stockings are popular. White or black tights are also common. Boots, rockinghorse shoes, or child-like shoes such as Mary Janes complete the look. Frilly, ruffled or lace-trimmed Victorian blouses are also popular with Gothic Lolitas and designs are usually modest, sometimes with long lace-capped sleeves and/or high-necked blouses.
Some additions may include mini top hats, parasols, and lace headdresses, which resemble wide, elegantly decorated headbands. Other popular Lolita headgear are ribbons, lace or bows, an alice band with a bow or sometimes even a bonnet. Hair is sometimes curled, or a curled wig is worn to complete the porcelain doll look. Blonde and black are the most popular hair colors, though as the fashion continues to develop, other colors (such as brown and red) are increasing in popularity.
I've been obsessed with this look for a while now. At Comic Con last year, I wore a Goth Loli dress I ordered off eBay.

But in Japan, you don't have to order these online! They have whole multi-level department stores filled with the dresses. (Liz, can you please upload your top secret pics of this so I can reference them? UPDATE: She just posted them - go look!) We went to floor after floor of amazing outfits - goth, elegant, sweet - each style had its own department.
On our last day in the country we discovered a Harajuku store that was having a 50 percent off sale of Gothic Lolita dresses and so we had to purchase our own.
Here's mine. I was going to wear it to Comic Con, but that's not happening so I might as well model it online. I think it needs a fuller crennoline, to be honest, and I'm not wearing my little headpiece. But you'll get the idea. I love this dress! The lace, the detailing, the bows. And I love that it's authentic from Japan. It's by far my favorite souvenier.

Liz bought an awesome outfit too - I'm sure she'll model it for you guys soon enough. :)
I love loli goth!
You look very gorgeous in your souvenir dress. how exciting that you got to buy it yourself in Japan!
You could always wear it to RWA Nationals... ^_-
Oh... I'm so envious! I love the gothic stlye like this... But it's a tad expensive, and there are no good stores around me that I know of... Oh well~ ^-^
Very lovely dresses, BTW. :D
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