Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Where's the Beef?

So I've noticed a trend of writers inserting "beefcake" in blogs recently. Gena Showalter has photos of hunks every Monday. Vanessa Virtue has posted weekend eye candy. Katie MacAlister's been doing Dishy Guy Monday for a while. And even Liz Maverick has posted some beefcake gone awry. heh. (Well we can't expect Liz to be normal now can we?)

Anyway people seem to love it! They comment up a storm. And I end up feeling horribly left out. You know, I think there's something wrong with me. I just don't get high enjoyment others seem to by looking at beefcake. I never get turned on by a photo of some random guy's muscular chest. Like with those romance covers you see with the beefy guys on them. They don't make me want to buy the book. In fact they make me want to run screaming out of the bookstore. If I ever get a cover like that, I'll cry.

It's not that I don't like drooling over guys. It's just I guess I'm more of a face person. Give me a set of gorgeous blue eyes and a shy dreamy smile over a six pack torso any day of the week. I mean it'd be great if the guy had a nice body too- don't get me wrong - but the first thing I notice is definitely higher up.

And by nice body I mean toned, by the way, not huge and meatheady. I hate huge and meatheady. For example - Jude Law and Ewan McGregor are on my "most desirable guys" list and they're more lanky than hunky. They have great eyes and excellent bone structure and good hair. (Though sadly Jude may be losing his.) That's what I like in a guy.

So I apologize to my readers now. You won't find beefcake here in this blog. But luckily there are plenty of places to go if you get the urge to drool! And I'd be happy tp post Jude and Ewan pics any day of the week! :)



Shannon McKelden said...

I'm with you! It's all about the eyes. Sigh....


ParkAvePirate said...

I would be game for those British boys pictures!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes the eyes are incredibly sexy :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, too.

Beefcakey guys always make me think of lobster. Mmmm ... lobster.

Jana Armstrong said...

You know who else has beautiful eyes? Ben Browder of Farscape fame. *sigh*

Mari Mancusi said...

Oh yes Jana - he does! As does this Irish actor named Cillian Murphy.

Hmm... who else?


Anonymous said...

The first thing I noticed about my husband was his eyes.

Mari Mancusi said...

Okay since you brought up non celebrities (heh) I had this boyfriend in college named Chris who had the most AMAZING blue eyes ever. They were this brilliant dark blue color- not washed out like most blue eyes. And they were perfectly framed my thick black curly lashes. Sigh. He's my official "one that got away" boy. Sigh.

Gabrielle said...

Jim Caviezel--he has amazing eyes. That last shot in "The Thin Red Line" was a heartbreaker. I'll take that over nekkid chests any day.

mimi said...

Okay, I admit to some beefcake (sort of) with the Bed List/Dinner List game I play on Fridays. But interesting guys you'd love to have dinner with get equal billing. You'll be pleased to know that Ewan was last week's Dinner List pick.