GCC: Cooking to Hook Up
I love today's Girlfriend Cyber Circuit guest author. Ann Marie Michaels has written a nonfiction book called "Cooking to Hook Up:The Bachelor'sDate-Night Cookbook." What a terrific concept!
This book is all about teaching guys to cook for us girls -- depending on the type of girl. It's a great gift for single guys, as well as husbands, boyfriends, brothers, etc.
Here's a blurb:
It's a fact. Women will always choose men with wooden spoons over men with Gold Cards (unless you're in L.A.). But there's a world of difference between any dinner and the right dinner. Should you serve sushi or meatloaf? Play Sting's greatest hits or the latest Yo La Tengo single? Wear the Birkenstock sandals or the Armani loafers? It all depends on the Girl.
Casanova, arguably the most successful seducer in history, had a simple philosophy: Get to know the woman, find out what she lacks, and provide it. Seduction through food is a time-tested technique. However, and this is the big however, you must choose the right food, the food that works for that particular girl. Cooking to Hook Up gives you complete meals designed for every female taste.
Sound complicated? It isn't. All you need is a small supply of tools, a permanent stock of twelve staple foods, and ten additional ingredients you can buy through the express lane (plus a pit stop at the liquor store). There are fifty complete meals, including dessert and optional "bonus points".
Cool, huh? My husband definitely won me over with HIS cooking abililies. Now I'm wondering if he had some secret book. :-) Of course, in my case, the poor guy is STILL cooking for me - 5 years later - as I'm a complete failure in the kitchen and can't properly boil water. I bet sometimes he wishes he ordered take out on our first date... heh.
Anyhow - as the blurb for "Cooking to Hook Up" suggests, the first thing a guy has to do when preparing to cook dinner for a girl is to determine what kind of girl he's cooking for. Which means - BLOG QUIZ TIME!!! Woot!
I am Indie Girl Click on the picture below to read more:
So there you have it. I think that's pretty right on for me. But what kind of girl are YOU?
After you're done figuring out who you are, go check out "Cooking to Hook Up" by Ann Marie Michaels. A delicious read from the Girlfriend Cyber Circuit.
LOL--I'm a hybrid between Granola girl and Progressive girl! *g*
hehe - I was actually a hybrid of Indy and Progressive myself -but the 2 pics side by side screwed up my blog template so I cheated and took out the progressive girl part of the code.
What a cool concept, cooking to hook up. My husband won me over with his cooking. Now that we've been married almost 14 years, he seems to have forgotten how to cook!
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