Monday, July 02, 2007


I'm blogging about SHOMI and Moongazer today over at The Good, The Bad and The Unread. Please stop by and comment. You can win a copy of Moongazer, as well as a copy of A Connecticut Fashionista in King Arthur's Court if you do. So what do you have to lose?

Liz's Shomi book WIRED - the first Shomi book EVAH, I might add - is OUT! Find it at a bookstore near you! Woot! Remember, it's always best to support authors their first week out as it's usually the only chance they have for making a bestseller list. Sadly, bestseller lists are not about selling a lot of books, but about selling a lot of books in a one week time frame.

I am so exhausted. Mentally drained. I have to do revisions on Gamer Girl this week before my mom comes on Friday. I really need to work on my Shomi #2 proposal too, but something just has to give at the moment or I'm going to make myself sick. So I'm concentrating on what NEEDS to be done and trying not to be too wracked with guilt over the proposal. After all, I'd rather miss the slot than pass in something shoddy because I rushed it, right?

But yeah, crazy weeks ahead. Mom coming Friday - Monday then Weds I leave for Dallas til Sunday for the RWA conference. All fun things, but they take time away from actually writing. Sigh.

Okay, enough whining. I'm heading home to drink a couple liters of diet coke and get cracking on those revisions!


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