Saturday, January 06, 2007

Conspiracy Game trailer

So my friend/Shomi co-author Liz Maverick recently turned action adventure star (not a big stretch if you know her!!) and played the part of Brioni in a Christine Feehan book trailer for the novel Conspiracy Game. I'd seen the actual video on Christine's site and on Circle of Seven, but I just recently stumbled upon this on YouTube -- the making of the trailer. :)

I also like that Christine named Brioni's twin (featured in the next book of the series, I believe) Mari. Yay - I can be a Christine Feehan heroine too!! hehe.

Anyway - Check it out!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Christine has the Making of up on her website in the Members section. I loved Conspiracy Game. I swear I fell in love with Jack. And Christine has the teaser ad for Deadly Game up on her main page. She just put it up. And since the characters of Jack and Ken are twins are Briony and Marigold are twins, the same actors who play Jack and Briony in the Conspiracy Game trailer also play Ken and Mari in the Deadly game trailer. In fact, when they filmed the trailers, they filmed both at the same time. I can't wait for Deadly Game. I have it on pre-order.