Friday, December 28, 2007

Mom Recap

Had a great time with my mom visiting this week. Sad she had to go back to Florida today. Not that I want her living in my studio apartment forever, haha, but it'd be nice if she lived nearby. Oh wellz.

We didn't get to go ice skating cause the weather was crappy yesterday, but we did most everything else we set out to do. We saw the musical Legally Blonde on Broadway, which was very cute. We also saw Enchanted at the movies, also fun. (I get to do all the chick flick stuff when Mom's in town.) We ate down at Little Italy and saw the Christmas lights on 5th Avenue and Rockerfeller Center, etc. etc. It's so crowded in town - I can't imagine what it's like on New Year's!

I need to get back to writing as it was hard to work while having a guest. Luckily I don't have to go back to work til Weds so I should be able to make some headway on that. It's so nice to have Christmas week off!

Okay, time to go back to bed. Had woke up to put Mom in a taxi and needed to decompress. But I need my sleep as we're going wine bar'ing and then clubbing tonight.


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