Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! Hope the Easter bunny was good to you! :-)

A belated congrats to all the writers who finaled in the RWA Golden Heart and RITA awards on Friday. (For those of you who don't know, these are like the Emmys of romance writing - Golden Heart for unpublished and RITA for published.) I was away snowboarding in Vermont Friday and Saturday, but I came back to a flurry of loop email! So many people I know have been nominated!

On the RITA side, Jessica Andersen, an Harlequin Intrigue author from my home chapter, is nominated for Best Long Contemporary. Nicole Burnham, also from my home chapter, has a nod for Best Traditional Romance. (She won a RITA last year!) And Literary Chicks Alesia Holliday and Lani Diane Rich both got nominated in the Mainstream with Romantic Elements category as well as the First Book one. Sooo excited for them!

There's a bunch of other people too, but if I name them all, I'd probably forget someone. So you can take a look yourself here. So CONGRATS everyone!! :-)

I'm very sore from snowboarding today, but it was really fun. I went with a huge family group of 11 people. We rented this great house with a fireplace and hot tub and skiied/snowboarded Friday and Saturday. The conditions were great, the weather rocked. Couldn't ask for a better time. I'll be so sad when snowboard season ends, and I'm glad it's a late winter this year!

After I finish blogging I'm going to get back to writing Boys that Bite. I was really motivated by my trip to NYC and I wrote like a banshee last week. So now I'm at 36,240 which means about 23,000 words to go. That's nothing! I'm going to aim to be done by mid April. I love this book and I love the way Berkley is planning to market it. The covers for the JAM books are very cool. Sophisticated but fun. I really adore the one for MaryJanice Davidson's JAM book "Jennifer Scales and the Ancient Furnance" and hope mine will look something like that. (HINT HINT if anyone is reading!!!)

I've also got to do a handout for the workshop I'm giving at the New England RWA conference this upcoming weekend. I'm doing a session on Romancing the Media - how to get media attention for your novel. I love this conference and can't wait to go.

Okay, guess I've blabbed on long enough. Gotta get some real writing done now.

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