Sherrilyn Kenyon for Better TV
On Friday afternoon I headed over to conduct an interview with the lovely Sherrilyn Kenyon, whom I adore. Sherri and Liz and I bonded over the costume controversy at RWA last year and I've loved her ever since. (Of course I love her books as well.) I interviewed her on camera for my Better TV feature. She really has an inspirational life story about overcoming ridiculous obstacles to become such a worldwide success!

Mike tried to get a good over-the-shoulder shot, but she said can't type with someone looking over her shoulder. So we had her pull up the Dark Hunter website instead. She told me that people have met on her bulletin boards and ended up getting married to one another! And she's always being introduced to babies with her characters' names. I do think Acheron would make an awesome name. :)

And check this out! Acheron's coat on the bed! Now get your minds out of the gutter!

Sherrilyn's been on tour all over the country for weeks now (with her partner-in-crime Dianna Love Snell, who we love as well!), promoting her latest book, Acheron. (Amazing book, btw.) And yet, when we headed to the booksigning later that evening to get video of the fans lining up to meet her, she spent time with every single person and signed and took photos. It was amazing - I don't know how she has the stamina. I think that's part of the reason she's so well loved - in addition to writing such amazing books, she's just a great person who really cares deeply about her fans.

I'm going to get the last piece of video for the piece down in Dragon Con at the end of the month. We're sure to get some costumed fans there! And, of course, I will post the final segment online when it's all done.
More pics on the Rebels of Romance blog as well. And don't forget to enter Liz Maverick and my contest to win signed copies of Acheron! She signed them for me on Friday and so they're ready to go!
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