The insane marketing of NYC realty

In case you can't read it, this sign, hanging in the window of a NYC relator says:
"Champagne and Cavier for the Cost of Peanuts."
How much are those peanuts in the window you may well ask? $899,000. Plus a maintenance fee of $754 a month. (About the price of a normal person in this country's rent.)
Only in NYC would a 1 BEDROOM (!) apartment costing nearly a million dollars be compared to peanuts. What is wrong with this city?
In comparison, here's the property you can get in Austin, TX for the same "peanuts."

A four bedroom 3 1/2 bathroom place on 2 acres! Check out this beauty!
But okay, you're saying...I don't have 900,000 so this means nothing. Here's another for you then.
For $200,000...
IN AUSTIN: 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath.

IN QUEENS: 1 bedroom, 1 bath.
(I had to use Queens since you can't get anything for $200,000 in Manhattan.)

Okay, that's enough for now. I know I've depressed all of you in NYC and made the rest of you snicker with superiority. :)
*sob* Maybe moving to Texas is not a bad thing.
I'm always amazed that our real estate market here is such a well kept secret!
I love Austin. I'm moving there in T -10 days. Can not wait to get there! Heat and all!
I have 1600 square feet and 3 bedrooms for 89k! You may all now die with envy! ;)
But you should see the night life in Fort Worth. Shudder.
Let's face it, New Yorkers are basically paying to live in a place that's dynamic and full of opportunities and cool, trendy nightlife. Here? Not so much. ;)
Arwen - how exciting you're moving to Austin! It's such a cool town!
Jill - Yeah, we got all the trendy nightlife. Unfortunately it's equally unaffordable. :( Still, it is a totally fun city to live in! I just must be content to always be a renter as I could never afford to buy anything worthwhile.
A friend of boyfriend's moved from NYC to Forth Worth. He says it's the ethnic food (such as Indian) that he misses the most.
*battening down in the BX*
I've never been to NY but it is amazing how much property costs there.
(I'm so late replying! Eek!) You are SO right about the ethnic food. The only thing we have here is Tex Mex!
My husband comes from Toronto and is a big fan of Indian/Thai/Greek/etc and finding a decent one here is almost impossible.
But cheap houses (whee!)
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