Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend Wrap-up

Had a good weekend. Friday Jacob and I laid low, ate pasta and watched Jason X. (We’re almost done our marathon – one movie to go!) On Saturday we went for a run along the East side, which is very pretty (right along the water.) Only made a 5K though – for some reason neither of us had any energy and it was really warm out. Gonna do a five miler plus tonight to make up for it.

Saturday night we went to our friend Britany’s birthday party. Was fun. She and her friend are really into reading/writing YA books so it was cool to chat about those with them. The first part of the party was at someone’s apartment and then we headed to a club, which was packed! We found a corner table, thank goodness, so we were able to stay out of the craziness, except when hitting the bathroom. There were probably 500 people packed into the small club and two women’s stalls. (One being taken up by a girl dry heaving, ew!)

Sunday afternoon I worked on revising The Camelot Code while Jacob set up the charcol grill we bought earlier in the day. Then we cooked hamburgers. It was my dog Molly’s birthday so she got one, too. She was very happy about this!!! I’m psyched we got a grill – barbeque goodness all summer long!

Then we played House of the Dead 2 on the wii until I had blisters on my fingers from the controller and had to stop. Love that game! Love zombies.

Speaking of zombies, time to read the galleys of Razor Girl. The arcs for this should be available really really soon! Yay. Hope people like it!

Lastly, if you haven’t read Melissa Marr’s Wicked Lovely and Ink Exchange, go to the bookstore NOW and pick them up. Best books I’ve read in ages. Next up, Corey Doctorow’s first YA book: Little Brother. I have high hopes for this one.


1 comment:

TJ Brown said...

Sound slike a good weekend... and I have been wanting to read Melissa Marr for ages.