I have been working like crazy on my Camelot Code manuscript this week, writing every free second I can find. Which means I've only gotten like six hours of sleep a night - writing until midnight then waking up at six am to squeeze 2 1/2 hours of writing in before work. It's not a schedule that I would recommend. In fact, it's a good way to get burnt out. That said, I've got a TON accomplished and I'm really proud at how the book is shaping up.
I got the most amazing (writing related) news yesterday. I guess I can't say anything public yet, but it's what I've been dreaming about happening for about a year and a half now. And it's happening in the best way possible. It's like a dream come true! Okay, I won't tease anymore until I can spill.
I did a segment with Mary Rambin of NonSociety today. She's a sweetheart and very good on camera, too. I don't care what all those rebloggers have to say, I like her.
Won't be doing much this weekend (though I am going out to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse tonight - yum!) but that's not a bad thing. I feel like I've been on-the-go a lot and will very much enjoy staying home. Plus I still have a lot of writing to get done.
That's all I got for now! I'll leave you with a photo of where my toes still wish I was. Ah, Cozumel. I miss you so. Especially today, when it's about 11 degrees out.

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