Boys are still biting
Sorry I've been a bit of a blog slacker. I've been hard at work whipping my book into shape so I'm putting effort in where it counts! Problem is, when I'm writing every night that means I'm not doing anything else and therefore have very little to blog about!
I did find out today that Berkley, being the wonderful publisher that they are, has been busy reprinting my vampire series. They did the fourth printing of Boys that Bite back in August and have a new printing of Stake That! scheduled for February of this year. This is wonderful news! It means that these books will stay in print and be available for the forseeable future! Yay Berkley!
Speaking of the series, the German version of Girls that Growl was just released this month. The cover is sure a lot different than the American version! I love the little bat though - he's been on every cover of the series in different poses.

But I think the Stake That! bat is my favorite. Cause he looks all secretive.

I also recently got a copy of the Japanese version of Stake That! I really need to scan in the photos so you can see the amazing manga pictures they did inside the book. Girls that Growl comes out there in February.
That's all I've got for now. Talk soon!
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