We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog for a little World of Warcraft videogame geek cheer...
SQUEE!! I dinged 70 on my warrior tonight! Check out my new flying mount!!! Yay Allora!!!!
Woot! Woot! Now I just need to get myself a 7,000 gold elite one and I'll really be styling...
Posted by
Mari Mancusi
10:07:00 PM
Grats!!!! I rushed and got to 67 in the first week after release then stopped playing for about two weeks. I came back and hit 70 then stopped playing for another two weeks. I'm just now starting to really play again. Perhaps the push to get 70 really fast was not a good idea as I just got really burnt out.
Now you just have to work on getting some nice 70 gear. Personally, I think the easiest way is by doing heroic instances. They're easier than Kharazan and the gear's just as good.
Enough geekiness now. Congrats again!
Woot! indead.
Congrats Mari. Totally cool.
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