Monday, February 23, 2009

Turning the Corner

I was sick ALL WEEKEND. Couldn't eat, could barely get out of bed. Which is so not good when you have to move. Thank goodness Jacob stepped up to the plate and finished the packing. Poor guy - his work was moving the same weekend so he's been going nonstop since Thursday. And he was just getting over his sickness, too! Plus it was his birthday on Friday! I was too sick to do anything for it, but will make it up to him soon!

Anyway, we managed to pull it off - thank goodness we hired movers and it wasn't a do-it-yourself type move! All the stuff is out of the Queens place and in the Jersey City place and we slept there last night. I took a few photos so you can see what the area looks like. They were with my iPhone so excuse the quality.

View from balcony.

Second view from balcony - that's the Statue of Liberty there on the island! (You can see it a lot better in real life.)

The actual balcony. No furniture yet! I didn't take any indoor pics because there are boxes everywhere! Soon! The cool thing about this balcony is there are entrances from both the living room and bedroom. So the apartment gets a ton of light!



Molly Jersey
There's a nice park right off of the apartment building, jutting out into the water. Everyone lets their dogs run free. Molly has already met dozens of new friends!

That's all for now! More soon!

1 comment:

Diana Peterfreund said...

Molly! Pretty! Happy puppy!