Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Packing and Writing and Packing and Writing...

That's my week in a nutshell. Putting on the finishing touches of BAD BLOOD and putting all of my worldly posessions in boxes. I can't wait to be done with packing and moving, but I'm having fun with my vampire story. I just love writing that series. Guess I'll have to see about a Book #5. :)

I found a photo on the interwebs which shows the new apartment, in case you are curious!

Pretty, huh? I always wanted to live on the water.

Let's see, what else? For Gossip Girl fans, TV Guide has an article on how to fix the show. As much as I like the show, I agree. Last season the second half was breathtakingly good - I couldn't WAIT to watch the next episode. This year it's like some mildly pleasant brain candy. Yummy, but forgetable. Also, what's with all the repeats? You lose momentum if you air new shows once every 2-3 weeks.

Tonight I'm hitting a Fashion Week event and tomorrow I'll be at the tents doing a couple segments for Better TV. Looking forward to the Rebecca Taylor show and after-party. I love her stuff so much. Someday I'm going to buy something of hers! (If I can ever afford anything better than H&M quality clothes!)

That's all I've got for now! More packing and writing soon!


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