Sunday, February 03, 2008

Videogames, Mustaches and Techno - Oh My!

Quick drive by post to tell you about my weekend. Friday I had dinner with my agent friend Nadia Cornier in Astoria. Caught up on all the publishing (and other!) gossip. Was fun. Then Jacob, Leanna and I went to Barcade in Williamsburg, Brooklyn which was this bar that had all really old-school videogames like PacMan and Galaga and my favorite -- CRYSTAL CASTLES. Ever play that one? There's a bear and you have to have him get all the crystals but instead of a joystick you use a roller ball thing.

Here's a couple screenshots...

crystal castle

crystal castle

Then Saturday we went to the NY RWA meeting and listened to Isobel Kelly give a talk about how animals have sex which sounds weird, but was actually really interesting. Then Liz and I went to Melissa Walker's book release party, held at the Lancome store on 69th and Columbus. Her new book in her "Violet on the Runway" series is out next month. The party was crowded and super swank and there were makeovers and champagne and mini cupcakes. Very cool. Liz and I now have lots of ideas on our own book party we'll have this coming fall.

Having mingled and mixed, J joined us and we went to eat at Dallas Barbeque. Now for the record, while I think this place is very yummy, J insists it's not representative of real Dallas Barbeque. Since I've never had the genuine article, I can only say that my baby back ribs were delish anyway.

Next we left Liz and headed down to a German bar where J's friends were having a mustache theme party. Everyone, including the girls, had to wear mustaches. Was pretty wild to see. And yes, though a bit embarassing I am going to post the pics.

mustache party2

mustache party

We hung there for a while then J and I headed down to the village to check out this dance club called LOVE. I'm scouting out a location for my future party and J said it might work. He was totally right, too. The place is so cool. Very cheesy 60s sci-fi'ish with a lounge room that has sort of a jungle gym kind of thing going on but with shag carpeting - even on the ceiling. I can't even begin to describe it but it was really cool and the music was good, too. We danced a lot. Haven't danced to old school techno in a while, so that was very fun. Then we went home.

Now it's time to work on the book. And I'm going to make chili this afternoon too. Cause yeah, it's Superbowl Sunday and you gotta have chili to watch the Pats kick some Giants butt. Woot!!!

Okay that's all I got. (Isn't that enough?) Out for now.


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