Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday Update

I can't believe in only 3 weeks Girls that Growl will be released. It seems weird to me, especially since I just had a release last month with Moongazer. But I'm trying to stay on top of it all. I sent out pre-release copies to my street team this week and have been fielding reviewer requests. Hopefully the fact that it's a vampire book coming out in October will help with store placement, too.

In the meantime, edits on Gamer Girl are going swimmingly. It's a lot of work and I truly have no life at the moment, but we must all suffer for our art, right? :) And in the end, it's always worth it.

At least this weekend Liz is coming for a visit. That should be fun. And in a couple weeks I've got the NJ RWA conference. Gotta figure out what I'm wearing for that--now that everyone will be expecting costumes, lol.

I'm still reading Stephen King's Dark Tower...only like 250 pages out of 800 something to go. Also picked up the just released Berkley Jam YA Violet on the Runway by Melissa Walker to read on the subway as King's book is just too massive to lug around town. And I'm rewatching Seasons 1 & 2 of Veronica Mars so I can go buy Season 3 on DVD. Ah, what a great show.


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